Hardwood Flooring Uncategorized

Embracing the Season: Preparing Your Hardwood Floors for Fall

As the vibrant colors of summer give way to the warm and cozy hues of fall, it’s time to shift our focus from outdoor adventures to creating a comfortable and inviting indoor haven. Your hardwood floors play a pivotal role in setting the mood for the fall season. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to prepare your hardwood floors for fall, ensuring that they remain both beautiful and durable during this season of change.

Routine Cleaning and Maintenance

Before diving into the specific preparations for fall, it’s crucial to start with a clean slate. Begin by giving your hardwood floors a thorough cleaning. Dust and debris can accumulate over time, and it’s essential to remove them to prevent scratches and damage. Sweep or vacuum your floors to remove loose dirt and dust. Use a vacuum with a hardwood floor attachment or a soft-bristle broom to avoid scratching the surface.
Follow up with our MacMop™ and our Easy Hardwood Floor Cleaner™. Avoid excessive water, as moisture can be harmful to hardwood floors. Ensure the mop is well wrung out before use.

Check for Damages

Inspect your hardwood floors for any signs of wear or damage. This includes looking for scratches, dents, or areas where the finish may have worn off. Addressing these issues before fall sets in will help prevent further damage.

For minor scratches, you can use a touch-up kit or a wood marker pen that matches the color of your floor to conceal imperfections. For deeper scratches or gouges, it may be necessary to consult our team of professionals for repairs.

Place Mats and Rugs Strategically

One of the best ways to protect your hardwood floors during the fall season is to strategically place mats and rugs in high-traffic areas. This not only adds warmth and coziness to your space but also prevents dirt and moisture from being tracked onto your floors. Use doormats both outside and inside your entryways to capture dirt and moisture before they reach your hardwood floors. Place rugs in areas prone to spills, such as the kitchen or dining room. Ensure the rugs have a non-slip backing to prevent slipping accidents.

Use Furniture Protectors

The movement of furniture, especially chairs and tables, can cause scratches and scuffs on your hardwood floors. Consider using furniture protectors, such as felt pads or rubber caps, on the legs of your furniture to prevent damage. Check and replace any worn-out protectors regularly to ensure continued protection for your hardwood floors.

Be Mindful of Footwear

Fall often means rainy or damp weather, and wet shoes can be a hardwood floor’s worst enemy. Encourage family members and guests to remove their shoes before walking on your hardwood floors. Keep a designated area near the entryway for shoes, and provide slippers or socks for indoor use.

Regularly Trim Pets’ Nails

If you have pets, their nails can scratch the surface of your hardwood floors. Keep their nails trimmed to reduce the risk of damage. Additionally, consider placing mats or rugs in areas where your pets frequently walk or play.


Preparing your hardwood floors for fall is not only about preserving their beauty but also about ensuring their longevity. By following these essential steps, you can create a warm and inviting space while safeguarding your investment. Your well-maintained hardwood floors will be the perfect backdrop for the cozy moments and cherished memories that the fall season brings. So, embrace the season, and let your hardwood floors shine in all their autumn glory.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Spring Hardwood Floor Renovation

Spring is here, and with it comes the urge to do some deep cleaning and renovating around the house. As you consider your spring cleaning checklist, don’t forget to think about your floors. Whether you’re looking to freshen up your existing flooring or install new floors altogether, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step process to help you get started on your spring flooring renovation.

Step 1: Determine Your Goals and Budget

Image provided by Pexels

Before you begin your renovation, it’s essential to determine your goals and budget. Take a look at your existing flooring and determine what you’d like to change. Consider your lifestyle, the style of your home, and your personal taste. This will help you decide on the type of flooring that will best suit your needs. Additionally, consider your budget and determine how much you’re willing to spend on your renovation project.

Step 2: Choose Your Flooring Type

Image provided by Pexels

Once you have a clear idea of your goals and budget, it’s time to choose your flooring type. At MacDonald Hardwoods, we offer a range of options to suit every taste and budget, including solid hardwood and engineered hardwood. Consider the durability, maintenance requirements, and overall aesthetic of each option to make the best decision for your home.

Step 3: Select Your Flooring Finish

Choosing the right finish for your flooring is crucial to achieving the desired look and functionality. You can choose from a range of finishes, including matte, satin, and high-gloss. A matte finish provides a more natural and rustic look, while a high-gloss finish gives a more modern and polished look. Consider the lighting in your space and the level of foot traffic when making your decision.

Step 4: Determine Your Installation Method

Once you’ve selected your flooring and finish, it’s time to determine your installation method. You can choose between a professional installation or a DIY installation. A professional installation ensures that your flooring is installed correctly, and any issues can be addressed promptly. If you opt for a DIY installation, be sure to follow all instructions carefully and take the necessary precautions.

Step 5: Maintain Your New Flooring

Finally, no spring cleaning checklist would be complete without a mention of our MacMop™ and Easy Hardwood Floor Cleaner™. Our eco-friendly cleaning products make it easy to keep your floors looking their best all year round. The MacMop™ is specially designed for hardwood floors, and with its microfiber cleaning pads, it effectively traps dirt and debris while leaving your floors spotless. Plus, our Easy Hardwood Floor Cleaner™ is gentle yet effective, leaving your floors clean and shiny without any harsh chemicals.

In conclusion, spring is a great time to revamp your flooring and create a fresh new look in your home. Whether you’re looking to install new floors or simply deep clean your existing ones, MacDonald Hardwoods has you covered with our wide selection of eco-friendly flooring options and cleaning products. So, get started on your spring cleaning checklist today and enjoy a beautiful and refreshed home. Connect with our team today!


Frequently Asked Questions About Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is a popular choice for many homeowners, thanks to its durability and natural beauty. However, there are many questions that arise when considering hardwood flooring for your home.

In this blog post, we’ll address some of the most frequently asked questions about hardwood flooring to help you make an informed decision.

What types of hardwood flooring are available?

There are several types of hardwood flooring available, including solid hardwood, engineered hardwood, and laminate hardwood. Solid hardwood is made from 100% real wood and can be sanded and refinished multiple times.

Engineered hardwood is made up of a core of hardwood or plywood with a layer of real hardwood on top. This type of flooring is more stable than solid hardwood and can be installed in areas where solid hardwood cannot. Laminate hardwood is made from a high-resolution photograph of real wood, with a laminate surface that mimics the look of hardwood.

How do I choose the right hardwood flooring for my home?

When choosing hardwood flooring for your home, consider the level of foot traffic in the area, as well as the level of humidity.

Solid hardwood is a good choice for high-traffic areas and low-humidity environments, while engineered hardwood is better suited for high-humidity areas. Laminate hardwood is a good option for high-traffic areas, but it is not as durable as solid or engineered hardwood.

What is the cost of hardwood flooring?

[Source: Superior Flooring]

The cost of hardwood flooring can vary depending on the type of hardwood, the size of the area, and the complexity of the installation. On average, solid hardwood flooring can cost between $3 and $14 per square foot, while engineered hardwood can cost between $2 and $10 per square foot. Laminate hardwood is the most budget-friendly option, costing between $1 and $5 per square foot.

How do I maintain my hardwood flooring?

Proper maintenance is essential for prolonging the life of your hardwood flooring. Regular sweeping or vacuuming will remove dirt and debris, and a damp mop can be used to remove spills or stains. Avoid using water or harsh cleaning products on your hardwood flooring, as they can damage the finish. Also, be sure to use furniture protectors on the legs of your furniture to prevent scratches.

Can I refinish my hardwood flooring?

[Source: Superior Flooring]

Yes, you can refinish your hardwood flooring. The number of times you can refinish the flooring will depend on the thickness of the wood, but on average, solid hardwood flooring can be refinished up to 5-7 times. Engineered hardwood and laminate hardwood flooring cannot be refinished.

How do I decide between pre-finished and unfinished hardwood flooring?

Prefinished hardwood flooring comes with a factory-applied finish, while unfinished hardwood flooring requires the finish to be applied on-site. Prefinished hardwood flooring typically has a harder and more durable finish, and it can be walked on immediately after installation. Unfinished hardwood flooring allows for more customization, such as the ability to match the finish to existing woodwork or to create a specific look.

Can hardwood flooring be installed over radiant heat?

[Source: Superior Flooring]

Yes, hardwood flooring can be installed over radiant heat, but it is important to choose a type of hardwood that is suitable for this type of installation. Engineered hardwood is typically the best option for radiant heat, as it is more stable than solid hardwood and can expand and contract without warping.

What are the benefits of hardwood flooring over other types of flooring?

[Source: Superior Flooring]

Hardwood flooring offers many benefits, including durability, natural beauty, and the ability to increase the value of your home. Hardwood flooring is also easy to clean and maintain, and it can last for decades with proper care. Additionally, hardwood flooring is a natural and eco-friendly choice, as it can be made from sustainable or reclaimed wood.

How do I know if my hardwood flooring is of good quality?

When purchasing hardwood flooring, look for flooring that has been certified by organizations such as the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) or the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Additionally, look for flooring that has been kiln-dried to reduce the moisture content and prevent warping. The thickness of the hardwood planks and the type of finish used can also indicate the quality of the flooring.

Is hardwood flooring suitable for pets?

Hardwood flooring can be suitable for pets, but it is important to choose a type of hardwood that is durable and can withstand scratches. Engineered hardwood or high-quality laminate flooring can be a good option for pet owners. Additionally, using furniture protectors on the legs of furniture and keeping your pet’s nails trimmed can help to prevent scratches on the flooring.

Can hardwood flooring be installed over existing flooring?

[Source: Superior Flooring]

Hardwood flooring can be installed over existing flooring, but it is important to ensure that the existing flooring is in good condition and is level. A moisture barrier should also be installed to prevent water damage. Additionally, it is important to check the thickness of the existing flooring, as some types of flooring may need to be removed to accommodate the thickness of the hardwood flooring.

What is the difference between a solid hardwood floor and an engineered hardwood floor?

[Source: Superior Flooring]

A solid hardwood floor is made from 100% real wood and can be sanded and refinished multiple times. An engineered hardwood floor is made up of a core of hardwood or plywood with a layer of real hardwood on top. Engineered hardwood flooring is more stable and can be installed in areas where solid hardwood cannot.

How long does it take to install hardwood flooring?

The time it takes to install hardwood flooring can vary depending on the size of the area and the complexity of the installation. A standard installation of hardwood flooring can take anywhere from a few days to a week.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, hardwood flooring is a beautiful and durable option for any home. By considering the type of hardwood, cost, maintenance, and specific needs of your home, you can choose the best hardwood flooring option for your space.

If you have any more questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the MacDonald Hardwoods team. We would be more than happy to help anyone in the surrounding Denver area with their hardwood flooring needs!


The History of Hardwood Flooring

When you think of a timeless home, chances are the image in your head will have hardwood floors. Hardwoods have long been favored for their appearance and ability to stand the test of time. Sometimes we take traditional home design aspects for granted, but it wasn’t until the 17th century that hardwood flooring started to gain popularity.

If you’ve ever wondered how and why hardwood flooring came to be, let us walk you through the history of hardwood flooring and hardwood floor trends.

What Was Available Before Hardwood Flooring?

In the early days of human history, our ancestors did not have the luxury of choosing from a wide range of flooring options. Instead, they were limited to materials that were readily available in their local environment. As a result, early floors were often made from dirt, straw, or stone. Over time, however, new materials and technologies began to emerge. Around the same time that hardwood floors were invented, people also began to experiment with other materials such as linoleum, vinyl, and laminate.

While these materials offered some benefits over traditional hardwood floors, they also had their own drawbacks. For example, Vinyl and laminate floors were susceptible to scratching and denting, and linoleum tended to fade over time. As a result, hardwood floors quickly became the preferred choice for many homeowners. Thanks to their beauty, durability, and easy maintenance, hardwood floors remain one of the most popular flooring options on the market today.

The Early Years

The history of hardwood flooring dates back to the early 1600’s French Baroque area. At the time, only wealthy people and French nobility would have adapted this style due to cost and timeliness of the installation. Hardwood flooring was made by hand, where each plank would be scraped, sanded and polished. Examples of this type of early flooring can be seen at Versailles in the traditional Parquet wood flooring style that is still popular today.

Image courtesy of

Hardwood Flooring in America

Most of the hardwood flooring we imagine today – polished and uniform – weren’t common until the 19th century. In fact, most flooring in early colonial America was made from wide, thick planks that were likely cut from nearby forests with whatever material they could find. Unlike today where you can choose from flooring like bamboo, hickory, oak and more, these people were working with what was right outside their door.

The process for cutting timber into lumber was also extremely lengthy and difficult. A pit saw was most commonly used to do the cutting and required at least two men to get the job done. Because the process was so manual and strenuous, the planks of wood were often different widths and sizes, resulting in uneven flooring or flooring with gaps in it. It was common to lose smaller items like marbles under the gaps in the floors.

As time went on, a new method for laying flooring was created that allowed for a much more uniform look. The long edge of a plank of wood was planed with an “L” profile, allowing it to lock in with adjacent boards. So, when wood inevitability changed shape and size due to weather, gaps could be covered up by the end of the other, adjacent board.

Early Hardwood Flooring Design Trends

Like so many aspects of design, popular hardwood flooring styles have changed drastically over the years. In the 18th century, many people began to paint their flooring as they would their walls and ceilings (staining and varnish wouldn’t become popular until the late 19th century). These decoratively painted wood floors ranged from monochrome to fanciful designs such as diamond or checkerboard patterns, making for a memorable timestamp in the history of hardwood flooring. Because of the low quality of the wood in most of the homes during this time, painting was a relatively easy and inexpensive way to upgrade the look of your home.


Colors in a hand-painted floor were cued by the original jadeite-green glass wall tiles.Photo: Leslie Tomlin

For a compass rose, paint reproduces the look of inlaid wood species.
Photo: Sandy Agrafiotis

However, if you were a part of the wealthy elite, you might have been able to invest in parquet flooring, similar to the Versailles style mentioned earlier. Parquet comes from the French term “Parquetry”, meaning small compartment. Parquet wood flooring is made by arranging small slats of wood in repeating patterns.

Parquet flooring

Source: Unsplash

The Industrial Revolution

Along with many other inventions, the Industrial Revolution also brought a more efficient and expedited process to the hardwood flooring world. With new, steam-driven machinery, the production time of flooring decreased significantly. Additionally, flooring became much more uniform and began to look like the polished flooring we think of today.

Around this time, the most popular way to install flooring was known as the “Tongue and Groove” flooring method. Tongue and groove flooring fits together like a puzzle piece, where one part of the flooring is fitted with a protruding “tongue” that fits into a concave “groove.” The most common type of hardwood around this time was narrow, oak floors – much different from the types of flooring we saw in earlier years.

Prior to the industrial revolution, most hardwood floors were made by hand. This meant that they were time-consuming and expensive to produce. However, the industrial revolution led to the development of new machinery that could mass-produce hardwood floors. This made hardwood floors more affordable and accessible to the average consumer. In addition, the industrial revolution also led to the development of new finishes and treatments that helped to improve the durability of hardwood floors.

The industrial revolution also impacted the hardwood flooring industry in terms of its workforce. Prior to the industrial revolution, most hardwood floors were made by skilled craftsmen. However, with the development of new machines, many of these jobs became obsolete. As a result, many workers in the hardwood flooring industry lost their jobs. The industrial revolution thus had a major impact on both the efficiency and workforce of the hardwood flooring industry.

Photo: Superior Flooring

Hardwood Flooring Today

Hardwood flooring has been a favorite among homeowners for centuries, declining only in popularity during World War II when carpeting became more common. The late 19th century saw the polished hardwood floors we know today come to fruition, after many different phases of hardwood flooring.

Hardwood flooring today is put through a more rigorous manufacturing process than ever before, making for an attractive and long-lasting product. In the past, hardwood flooring was reserved for only certain rooms of the house. Nowadays, however, it is not uncommon to see hardwood floors throughout an entire home. Whether you’re looking for classic or contemporary styles, hardwood floors are a great way to add beauty and sophistication to any space.

Engineered hardwood flooring is also a popular option among homeowners, as it is more affordable and accessible than traditional hardwood floors. Engineered hardwood flooring is made of multiple layers of wood, with the top layer being real wood. The cost to install engineered hardwood flooring is much more affordable than ever with convenient prefinished hardwood floor options. This makes it more resistant to moisture and allows it to be installed in areas where traditional hardwood would not be able to go.

Whether you’re renovating a home and deciding on a type of hardwood for your style or simply considering hardwood floors in general, there’s a myriad of hardwood floor trends to choose from. If you’re on the fence, remember that hardwood flooring is a classic and timeless choice. Hardwood floors have stood the test of time for centuries and we don’t anticipate them going away any time soon.

MacDonald Hardwoods has been the go-to engineered hardwood flooring supplier in the surrounding Denver area since 1986. We know everyone has unique needs when it comes to hardwood flooring and we strive to ensure our customers are getting the best possible product for their project.

Get your free quote today!

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How Are Hardwood Floors Made?

How Are Hardwood Floors Made?

Have you ever wondered how hardwood floors are made? It’s a process that involves a lot of careful craftsmanship and engineering.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the process of making hardwood floors and find out what goes into making them so strong and beautiful. Stay tuned!

It All Starts From Trees

The first step in making hardwood floors is to obtain the wood from trees. The most common type of wood used for hardwood floors is oak, although many other types of wood are used as well.

Transportation to The Sawmill

Imagine you’re standing in a forest. All around you are trees of all sizes, shapes, and colors. The air is fresh, and the sun is shining through the leaves. Suddenly, you hear a sound in the distance. As it gets closer, you realize it’s a sawmill. The sawmill is where logs are brought to be cut into lumber for hardwood floors.

Remove The Bark

After the wood arrives at the sawmill, the logs are debarked, which means the bark is removed. The bark is removed so that only the smooth wood beneath is left. First, it helps to prevent damage to the saw blades. Second, it makes it easier to transport the logs through the rest of the mill.

Softer woods are usually used for the construction of furniture while harder woods are used for flooring and other purposes where durability is important.

Drying The Wood

Before wood can be turned into beautiful hardwood floors, it must first be dried. This is a crucial step in the process, as wet wood is much more susceptible to damage and rot.

By drying the wood, builders can be sure that their floors will last for many years to come. The drying process also helps to bring out the natural grain of the wood, giving each plank its own unique character. The process of drying is done through a kiln, where the temperature and humidity are carefully controlled.

However, drying wood is not always easy. Depending on the type of wood and the climate, it can take weeks or even a month to achieve the perfect level of moisture. But in the end, it is always worth the wait. After all, there’s nothing quite like the beauty of a freshly installed hardwood floor.

Cutting The Wood Into Planks

Once the wood is dry, it is time to cut it into planks. This is done by a machine called a gang saw. The gang saw consists of a large frame with a series of rotating blades.

As the wood is fed through the saw, the blades cut it into planks of the desired thickness. The planks are then sorted according to their width and length. The thicker the plank, the more expensive it will be. The wider the plank, the more it will cost. This is because it is more difficult to find wide planks of wood.

The exact dimensions of the boards will depend on the type of wood and the desired final product. For example, thinner boards are typically used for flooring, while thicker boards are used for furniture or construction lumber.

The cutting process is usually done by large industrial saws, although some smaller mills still use hand-powered saws. Regardless of the type of saw used, the goal is always to produce high-quality boards that can be used in a variety of applications.

Get Rid of Defects

After the boards are cut, they are then inspected for defects. Defects can include things like knots, cracks, or other blemishes in the wood. The boards with the fewest defects are set aside to be used for high-end products like hardwood floors.

The boards with more defects are often used for cheaper products like particle board or construction lumber. However, even these boards can be used to create beautiful hardwood floors. It all depends on the desired final product.

Molding The Planks

After the boards are cut and inspected, they are then sent to a molder. The molder is a machine that shapes the boards into the desired shape. For example, many hardwood floors are made with tongue-and-groove planks.

This means that each plank has a small groove cut into one edge and a small tongue cut into the other edge. The tongues and grooves fit together like a puzzle, allowing the planks to interlock. This system makes it easy to install hardwood floors without any gaps or spaces between the boards.


After the boards are molded, they are then sent to a sander. The sander is a machine that smooths out the surface of the wood. This gives the boards a nice, even finish that is perfect for hardwood floors.

The sander also removes any rough edges or splinters from the boards. This is important because it makes the boards safer to handle and less likely to damage the flooring during installation.

Sort By Color & Grade

After the boards are sanded, they are then sorted by color and grade. The grade is a measure of the board’s quality. The higher the grade, the better the quality.

For example, a first-grade board will be free of defects and have a consistent color. A third-grade board, on the other hand, may have more defects and be less consistent in color.

The grade of the board will affect its price. Higher-grade boards are more expensive, but they are also more durable and easier to install.

Tongue & Groove Treatments

Once the boards are sorted by color and grade, they are then sent to a tongue-and-groove machine. This machine applies a small strip of wood to the tongue and groove of each board.

This strip is called a v-groove or an interlocking strip. It helps to keep the boards locked together, making it easier to install the flooring.

Final Checks

After the tongue-and-groove machine, the boards are then sent for a final inspection. This is to make sure that they meet all the necessary standards for hardwood floors.


Once the boards pass inspection, they are then sent to be prefinished. Prefinishing is a process that applies a protective coating to the boards.

This coating helps to protect the boards from damage during installation and makes them easier to clean and maintain. It also gives the boards a nice, finished look.

Pack & Ship

After the boards are prefinished, they are then packed and shipped. This is usually done on pallets, which makes it easy to load and unload the boards. The process is now complete and the hardwood floors are ready to be installed!

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into making hardwood floors. It is a complex process that involves many different steps.

However, the end result is always worth it. Hardwood floors are beautiful, durable, and easy to maintain. They can add value to your home and make it look more stylish and inviting.

If you are in the surrounding Denver area and are interested in having hardwood floors installed in your home or business, we’re help to help. We service the entire state of Colorado.

Contact MacDonald Hardwoods today to get a quote for your unique needs!

Hardwood Flooring Hardwood Maintenance Uncategorized

Common Mistakes People Make When Choosing Hardwood Floors for Their Homes

When it comes to choosing hardwood floors for your home, there are a lot of things to consider. It can be tricky to make the right decision, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. In this blog post, we will talk about some of the most common mistakes people make when choosing flooring for their homes. We’ll also provide some tips on how to avoid these mistakes and make the best decision possible for your needs!

Not Considering the Climate & Environment

One of the most common mistakes people make when choosing hardwood floors for their homes is not considering the climate and environment. It’s important to think about how the wood will react to your particular climate before making a purchase.

For example, if you live in an area with high humidity, you’ll want to choose a hardwood that is less likely to warp or cup. And if you have pets or small children, you’ll want to choose a hardwood that is more durable and can withstand some wear and tear.

Not Budgeting For Installation & Other Costs


Another common mistake people make when choosing hardwood floors for their homes is not budgeting for installation and other costs. The cost of hardwood floors can vary widely, depending on the type of wood, the size of the room, and the complexity of the installation.

Many people assume that they can simply purchase the boards and install them themselves, but this is often not the case. Installation can be a complex and time-consuming process, and it is important to factor in the cost of professional installation when budgeting for hardwood floors.

In addition, there are other costs to consider, such as floor sanding, staining, and finishing. Plus, you may need to pay for the process of removing your current floor. These additional costs can add up quickly, so it is important to make sure that they are included in your budget.

Choosing the Wrong Color or Style of Wood Flooring

So many people choose the wrong color or style of wood flooring for their home. There are a wide variety of colors and styles available, and it can be tempting to choose something that is simply “pretty.”

However, it is important to consider how the color and style of your floor will affect the overall look and feel of your home. For example, if you have a small space, you’ll want to choose a light-colored hardwood to make the space appear larger.

And if you have a large or open floor plan, you may want to consider a dark-colored hardwood to create a more intimate feel. There are endless possibilities when it comes to color and style. If you are not sure what to choose, it is often best to consult with a professional who can help you select a floor that will complement your existing décor.

Ignoring Potential Problems With Subflooring or Joists That Could Affect Hardwood Installation

Honestly, homeowners rarely think about this, but it is extremely important to consider when installing hardwood floors. Installing hardwood floors is a big investment, and you want to make sure that the job is done right.

That’s why it is so important to have your subflooring and joists inspected before installation. If there are any problems with these components of your home, they will need to be fixed before the hardwood floors can be installed. Otherwise, the floors could be at risk for damage or even collapse.

Hiring an Inexperienced or Unqualified Installer

This is a risky move that can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run. When it comes to hardwood floors, you want to make sure that the job is done right.

An experienced and qualified installer will have the knowledge and expertise to properly install your hardwood floors, and they will also be able to identify any potential problems that could affect the installation.

Hiring an inexperienced company in order to save money is often a false economy, as it can end up costing you more in the long run.

Buying Low-Quality Wood to Save on Costs

This is another false economy. Yes, you can find cheap hardwood floors, but they will not last as long or look as good as a higher-quality floor.

When it comes to hardwood floors, you get what you pay for. It is important to invest in a high-quality product that will last for many years.

Not Considering the Amount of Traffic the Floor Will Endure

This is an important factor to consider when choosing hardwood floors. If you have a high-traffic area, such as a kitchen or entryway, you’ll want to choose a hardwood that is more durable and can withstand heavy use.

There are many different types of hardwoods, and each one has different characteristics. Some are more durable than others, and some are better suited for high-traffic areas.

Neglecting to Perform Basic Maintenance & Cleaning

The truth is that keeping your hardwood floors in tip-top shape is very easy compared to other types of flooring.

But just because it’s easy doesn’t mean you should just let it be.

Performing basic maintenance, such as sweeping and mopping regularly will go a long way in prolonging the life of your hardwood floors.

And if you spill something, make sure to clean it up right away! Hardwood floors are very easy to care for, but they do require some basic cleaning and maintenance in order to stay in good condition.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the most common mistakes people make when choosing hardwood floors for their homes. If you take the time to do your research and hire a qualified professional, you can avoid these mistakes and end up with beautiful hardwood floors that will last for many years.

If you’re in Colorado and are considering hardwood floors for your home, you’re in the right place. Here at MacDonald Hardwoods, we are experts in the field, and we would be more than happy to help you choose the perfect hardwood floors for your home.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!


How to Pick the Right Hardwood Floors for Your Home Decor Style

When you are remodeling your home, one of the most important decisions that you will make is what type of flooring to install. Hardwood floors are a popular choice because they are beautiful and durable. But with so many different types of hardwood floors available, it can be difficult to decide which is right for your home.

In this blog post, we will discuss the different factors you should consider when choosing hardwood floors, and we will give you some tips on how to find the perfect flooring for your style!

Consider The Style of Your Home As It Is Now


The first thing you should do when choosing hardwood floors is to take a look at the overall style of your home. If you have a traditional home, then you will probably want to choose a more traditional type of flooring.

However, if your home is contemporary or has a more modern design, then you can be more flexible with your choice of flooring. There are many different types of hardwood floors available, so you should be able to find something that complements the style of your home.

Think About The Future Style of Your Home


Another important factor to consider when choosing hardwood floors is the future style of your home. In order to maintain the value of your home, choosing high-quality and classic flooring is your best bet – they are always in style!

This is one area where you definitely don’t want to cut corners because flooring can be difficult and not cheap to change once it’s installed. When thinking about your home 10 years down the road, it’s important to remember that trends will always come and go, but classic styles will always be in demand.

Consider Your Budget When Finding The Right Style

[Image source: Unsplash]

Let’s talk more about the specific wood types when considering your budget.

Wood Type


Now what you need to decide is the type of wood you desire. There are three main types of wood that are used for hardwood floors:

Solid wood floors are made from one piece of wood, and they can be sanded and refinished many times. This makes them a very durable option, but they can also be expensive.

Engineered wood floors are made from several layers of wood that are glued together. They can be sanded and refinished a few times. What’s great about engineered wood in particular is that it’s more stable than solid wood, so it can be used in rooms with high humidity or temperature changes without as many risks.

Laminate floors are made from a photo of wood that is placed on top of a backing. They cannot be sanded or refinished, but they are simple to install and are very affordable. Although they are significantly less sturdy and lower quality than other hardwood floor options.

[Image source: Unsplash]



The next thing you need to decide is what color you want your hardwood floors to be. You can choose from a variety of different colors, including natural wood tones and stained wood floors. If you are not sure what color you want, then you can always ask for samples so that you can see how the different colors will look in your home.

Other Factors to Consider


There are many things to consider when choosing the right hardwood flooring for your home. Style and decor are important, of course, but you also need to take into account the durability of the material and the level of maintenance required.

Here’s a quick overview of the most popular types of hardwood floors, to help you make the best choice for your home.

Oak is a classic choice for hardwood floors, and it’s very durable. However, it does require some regular maintenance, such as sweeping and mopping.

Maple is another popular choice, and it’s known for its attractive grain pattern. Maple floors are quite easy to care for, and they’re perfect for busy families.

Cherry is a luxurious option that adds warmth and elegance to any home. Cherry floors can be fussy, though, so they’re not the best choice for families with small children or pets.

Finally, bamboo is an eco-friendly choice that’s become more popular in recent years. Bamboo floors are extremely durable and easy to care for, making them ideal for busy households.

Now that you know all of the different factors to consider when choosing hardwood floors, it’s time to start shopping!

Extra Décor Tips to Match With Hardwood Floors

[Image source: Unsplash]

One of the best things about hardwood floors is that they can be easily matched to a variety of different design styles. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or something more traditional, there are plenty of ways to incorporate hardwood into your décor. Here are a few fun tips to get you started:

If you have hardwood floors in your bedroom, consider adding a throw rug at the foot of the bed. This is a great way to add color and texture, and it will also keep your feet warm on cold mornings!

If you have hardwood floors in your kitchen, consider adding a rug in front of the sink. This will help protect your floors from spills and splashes. In general, it’s a good idea to use rugs and mats in high-traffic areas to protect your floors from wear and tear.

For a rustic chic look, try pairing hardwood floors with shiplap walls and reclaimed wood furniture.

For a more sophisticated and textured approach, try pairing hardwood floors with mirrored walls and furniture upholstered in velvet or satin.

For a classic look, try pairing hardwood floors with walls painted in a neutral color (such as white or grey) and furniture with clean lines.

No matter what style you prefer, there’s sure to be a way to incorporate hardwood floors into your home décor. So get creative and have fun!

Final Thoughts


When choosing hardwood floors for your home, it’s important to take into account the style and décor of your home. Hardwood floors can be matched to a variety of different styles, so you can find the perfect fit for your home.

Best of all, MacDonald Hardwoods is here to help. We offer a wide selection of hardwood floors, and our experienced staff can help you choose the perfect option for anyone in the surrounding Denver area.

Contact us to see how we can help!

General Home Improvement Hardwood Flooring Uncategorized

The Benefits of Hardwood Floors vs. Other Types of Flooring

When it comes time to remodel your home, one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make is what type of flooring to install. Hardwood floors are a popular choice, but there are other options available as well. In this blog post, we will compare the benefits of hardwood floors vs. other types of flooring. We will also discuss the pros and cons of each option so that you can make an informed decision about what’s best for your home.

Hardwood Floors vs. Carpet

[Image source: Unsplash]

There are several benefits to hardwood floors when compared to carpet. Carpet can be difficult to clean and is stained easily. Hardwood floors are much easier to keep clean and they don’t show dirt as easily. In addition, hardwood floors last longer than carpet and they can be refinished if they become scratched or damaged. Not to mention, the beauty of shiny hardwood floors are unmatched!

Carpet does have some advantages over hardwood floors, however. Carpet can be softer and more comfortable to walk on than hardwood floors. In addition, carpet is usually cheaper than hardwood floors. But overall, hardwood floors are a better choice than carpet in most circumstances.

Hardwood Floors vs. Vinyl Flooring

[Image source: Unsplash]

Another popular option for flooring is vinyl. Vinyl flooring is available in a variety of colors and styles, and it’s easy to install. However, vinyl is not as durable as hardwood floors and it can be damaged easily. In addition, vinyl flooring is not as easy to repair as hardwood floors.

Hardwood floors are a better choice than vinyl flooring in most cases. Hardwood floors are more durable and they can be refinished if they become scratched or damaged. In addition, hardwood floors add value to your home, while vinyl flooring does not.

Hardwood Floors vs. Tile Flooring

[Image source: Unsplash]

If you’re trying to decide between hardwood floors and tile flooring, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Hardwood floors are classic and elegant, and they can be refinished if they get scratched or damaged.

Tile flooring is less expensive than hardwood, and is more resistant to water damage. However, it’s also less comfortable to walk on, and it can be cold in the winter.

Ultimately, hardwood floors are the better option for most homes. They’re more durable and stylish than tile, and they offer a level of comfort that tile can’t match. In addition, hardwood floors can be refinished if they become scratched or damaged.

Hardwood Floors vs. Laminate Flooring

[Image source: Unsplash]

Anyone who has ever had laminate flooring knows the struggles. They’re constantly making that tell-tale laminate flooring noise, no matter how many times you ask your kids to take their shoes off. And forget about ever having a pet with laminate flooring, unless you want to constantly be cleaning up their little accidents.

On the other hand, hardwood floors are classic and timeless. They never go out of style, and they can actually increase the value of your home. They’re also much easier to clean than laminate floors – a quick sweep and mop is all it takes to keep them looking shiny and new. So when it comes to hardwood floors vs. laminate floors, there’s really no contest – hardwood floors are the clear winner.

Hardwood Floors Vs. Stone Flooring

[Image source: Unsplash]

If you’re considering a new floor for your home, you might be wondering whether to choose hardwood or stone. Both have their pros and cons, but overall, hardwood floors are the better option. Hardwood floors are more comfortable to walk on, warmer to the touch, and easier to clean than stone. They also add value to your home and can be refinished if they become damaged.

Stone floors are very durable and easy to care for, but they can be cold and uncomfortable to walk on barefoot. They also have a tendency to show dirt and dust more easily than hardwood. So, if you’re looking for a classic look that will add value to your home and will stand up to heavy traffic, go with hardwood. But if you’re looking for a low-maintenance floor that can handle anything life throws at it, stone is still a decent option.

Hardwood Floors Vs. Linoleum

[Image source: iStock]

There are two types of people in this world: those who prefer hardwood floors, and those who are wrong. Seriously, hardwood floors are superior to linoleum in just about every way. They’re more durable, more attractive, and easier to clean. Let’s take a closer look at each of these points.

When it comes to durability, hardwood floors are in a league of their own. Linoleum is no match for the heavy foot traffic that hardwood floors can easily handle. Not to mention, if a linoleum tile is damaged, you have to replace the entire floor. With hardwood, you can simply sand down and refinish individual boards as needed.

As for attractiveness, there’s just no comparison. Hardwood floors have a classic look that never goes out of style. Linoleum, on the other hand, well… it looks like linoleum. And finally, when it comes to cleaning, hardwood floors win again. Linoleum is a dusty nightmare, while hardwood floors can be easily swept and mopped.

Final Thoughts

Hardwood floors are a classic choice for many homeowners. They add beauty and value to your home, and they are also very durable. Hardwood floors can last for decades with proper care, and they are easy to repair if they become damaged. While other options are on the market, hardwood floors are still the best choice for many homes.

And best of all, MacDonald Hardwoods is here to help. We are a leading provider of hardwood floors in the surrounding Denver area, and we can easily help you find the perfect floor for your home.
Contact us to see how we can help!

Hardwood Flooring Species Uncategorized

Ash Hardwood Floors Are Stylish & Contemporary

Are you looking for a stylish and contemporary hardwood floor? Ash is the perfect choice. Ash hardwood floors are growing in popularity because of their beautiful grain and rich color. They can be stained to match any decor, and they always look elegant.

If you’re considering installing new flooring in your home, make sure to consider Ash hardwood floors. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the benefits of Ash hardwood floors, how they’re made, and how to care for them.

What Exactly is Ash Hardwood?

When you think of Ash, you probably think of the powdery residue that is left over after burning something. Others might think of the tree that it comes from. Ash trees are tall and have light-colored wood. The wood from these trees is strong and durable, which is why it’s often used to make furniture and flooring.

How Are Ash Hardwood Floors Made?

[Image source: Superior Flooring]

If you’ve ever wondered how those beautiful Ash hardwood floors are made, wonder no more! It all starts with a tree, of course. Once the tree is cut down, the logs are transported to a sawmill where they are cut into planks. The planks are then kiln-dried to remove moisture and make them easier to work with.

Next, the planks are milled into tongue-and-groove boards which are then sanded smooth. Finally, the boards are stained and sealed with a protective finish which gives a glossy appearance. And that’s how those beautiful ash hardwood floors are made. At this point, they are ready to be installed in your home.

Benefits of Ash Hardwood Floors

[Image source: Superior Hardwood Flooring]

There are many reasons to choose Ash hardwood floors for your home. Let’s talk about them.

Ability to Withstand Heavy Foot Traffic

Ash is a strong and durable wood that can withstand heavy foot traffic. For those with busy households, this is the perfect type of flooring for you. Other floors might show wear and tear quickly, but Ash floors will last for many years.

Stain Resistance

Ash hardwood floors are known for their durability and toughness. But did you know that they’re also stain-resistant? That’s right, those pesky spills and drips can be easily wiped away without leaving a mark. But how exactly does this work? Well, it all has to do with the wood’s natural composition.

The pores in Ash hardwood are smaller than those of other woods, which makes it more difficult for liquids and stains to penetrate the surface. In addition, the wood itself is naturally dense and tightly grained, providing an extra barrier against unwanted stains. So next time you’re looking for a hardwood floor that can withstand daily wear and tear, be sure to consider Ash. Stain resistance is just one of the many reasons why it’s such a popular choice.

Resistant to Scratches & Dents

Ash hardwood floors are well known for their resistance to scratches and dents. In fact, they’re so resistant that you could say they’re the ‘bulletproof vest’ of the flooring world. But what makes them so tough?

Well, it all comes down to the structure of the wood. Ash floors have a very dense grain, which makes them more resistant to surface damage. They also have a high lignin content, which gives the wood extra flexibility and strength. In wood, lignin is the substance that gives the cell walls their rigidity. So basically, what we’re saying is that Ash floors are pretty darn tough.

Beautiful Grain Pattern

[Image source: Preverco]

Ash hardwood floors have a beautiful grain pattern that is unique among other types of wood flooring. The grain is caused by the growth rings of the tree, which are visible on the surface of the wood. Ash hardwood floors are also known for their durability, which makes them ideal for high-traffic areas of the home.

The grain pattern adds character and warmth to any room, making it a popular choice for both homes and businesses. For all these reasons, Ash hardwood floors are a popular choice for homeowners who want to add beauty and value to their environment.

Ability to Refinish

Ash hardwood floors are one of the best investments you can make for your home. Not only are they beautiful and timeless, but they also have the ability to be refinished multiple times over the years. This means that you can enjoy your floors for many years to come, and they will still look as good as new.

Increase Property Value

[Image source: Preverco]

For those looking for a flooring option that will increase the value of your home, you can’t go wrong with ash hardwood. Not only is it beautiful and durable, but it’s also one of the most popular choices among homebuyers.

If you’re thinking about selling your home in the future, an ash hardwood floor will give you a leg up on the competition. And even if selling your home isn’t something that you’re planning for, an ash hardwood floor will still add elegance and sophistication to your space. For a flooring option that will make your home more valuable, choose ash hardwood.

Easy to Care For

Nothing says “class” like a hardwood floor. And when it comes to hardwoods, few species can match the beauty and durability of ash. Ash floors are also easy to care for, which is an important consideration for busy families.

Dust and dirt can be easily swept away, and spills can be quickly wiped up. Ash floors also don’t require the use of harsh chemicals or special cleaners. We recommend MacDonald Hardwoods’ special hardwood cleaner which is natural and extremely effective.

Final Thoughts

Ash hardwood floors are a stylish and contemporary choice for any home. They’re resistant to scratches and dents, easy to care for, and they increase the value of your property, among all the other benefits. If you’re looking for a flooring option that will stand the test of time, choose ash hardwood.

Are you interested in installing ash hardwood floors in your home? Be sure to contact MacDonald Hardwoods today. We would love to help!

Hardwood Flooring Pets Uncategorized

How Can You Protect Your Hardwood Floors From Pets & Children?

If you have hardwood floors, you know how beautiful they can be – but you also know that the risk of them being scratched or damaged is worth your attention. Pets and children are often the culprits when it comes to floor damage, so what can you do to protect your floors?

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for protecting your hardwood floors from your children and your four-legged friends!

Wipe Up Messes ASAP

If you’re a parent with pets in the home, you know that messes are inevitable. Whether it’s food crumbs, spills, or muddy paw prints, there’s always something that needs to be cleaned up. And while it may be tempting to leave the cleanup for later, wiping up messes as soon as they happen is actually the best way to protect your hardwood floors.

By quickly dealing with messes, you can prevent stains from setting or dirt from grinding into the surface. In addition, regular cleaning will also help to extend the life of your floors. So next time you’re faced with a mess, don’t delay–wipe it up right away!

Trim Your Pets’ Nails & Keep Paw Pads Smooth

Trimming your pets’ nails on a regular basis is not only good for their health, but it can also protect your hardwood floors from scratches. In addition, keeping the paw pads smooth will help to prevent slipping and sliding on the floor, which can be a hazard for both pets and children.

By taking these simple steps, you can help to preserve the beauty of your hardwood floors for years to come.

Put Rugs Over Heavy Use Areas

[Image source: Unsplash]

To protect your hardwood floors from spills, scratches, and dirt, consider placing rugs in high-traffic areas. Rugs can help to absorb impact, prevent slipping, and trap dirt and debris before it has a chance to damage your floors.

Plus, they add a touch of style to your home. So whether you’re covering up stains or just want to add a pop of color to your space, rugs are a great way to protect your hardwood floors while also adding a bit of personality to your home.

Put Protective Pads on Furniture Legs

Any pet owner knows that fido or fluffy can do some serious damage to your floors. And if you’ve ever had a puppy, you’ve probably also had to replace a few couch cushions. Pets can be hard on furniture, and children aren’t always the gentlest either.

But there is a simple solution that can protect your floors and furniture – put protective pads on the legs! These inexpensive pads create a barrier between your floor and the leg of the furniture, preventing scratches, scuffs, and dents.

And they’re not just for hardwood floors – they work on carpet and tile too. Whether you’re trying to protect your investment or just keep your sanity, put some pads on your furniture legs.

Vacuum & Mop on a Consistent Basis

[Image source: Unsplash]

Between muddy paws and sticky fingers, it can seem like your floors are never really clean. Vacuuming regularly and mopping with a mild soap can help to remove dirt and grime before it has a chance to damage the finish on your floors.

Place Mats at Entryways

Pets and children can be especially hard on floors, tracked in mud and dirt from outside, or spilling food and drinks. Placing mats at entryways can help to protect your floors and keep them looking their best.

Doormats are an easy way to remove dirt and debris before it has a chance to be tracked into your home. In addition, placing mats in high-traffic areas such as the living room or kitchen can help to protect your floors from scratches or spills. With a little care, you can keep your hardwood floors looking beautiful for years to come.

Don’t Overclean

It’s only natural to want to keep your hardwood floors clean and free of messes. However, overcleaning your floors with harsh chemicals can actually do more harm than good. These cleaners can strip away the protective finish on your floors, leaving them susceptible to scratches, stains, and moisture damage.

In addition, these chemicals can be harmful to your family members (the fluffy ones too), triggering allergies and respiratory problems. So the next time your little ones make a mess on the floor, go with a natural solution.

We recommend purchasing the MacWoods Easy Hardwood Floor Cleaner and the MacMop™ as the best natural alternative. You can call to place us to place an order.

Refinish Instead of Replace

[Image source: Unsplash]

If you’re like most people, your hardwood floors have seen better days. They’re scratched, scuffed, and maybe even starting to show their age a bit. But instead of scrapping them altogether and starting from scratch, why not refinish them?

It’s a much cheaper way to save money, and it can be done in just a weekend. Plus, it’s a great way to make your floors look like new again. Just be sure to use a child-friendly finish if you have kids or pets who are susceptible.

Have Your Kids Play in an Area That Doesn’t Have Hardwood Floors

[Image source: Unsplash]

There are many benefits to having your kids play in an area that doesn’t have hardwood floors. For one, it can help protect the floors from wear and tear. Hardwood floors are susceptible to scratches and scuffs, and children can be particularly hard on them.

By confining playtime to a separate area, you can help keep your floors looking new for longer. In addition, playing on soft surfaces helps to cushion falls and prevents injuries.

So if you want to keep your floors in good condition, it’s best to create a designated play space for your children.

Final Thoughts

Hardwood floors are a beautiful addition to any home, but they can be a challenge to keep in good condition. Thankfully, hardwood floors are easy to clean up messes caused by pets and children. With this guide, you can learn how to protect your hardwood floors so that they’ll look like new for years to come.

Are you interested in installing hardwood floors in your home? MacDonald Hardwoods has a wide variety of hardwood flooring options to choose from. Contact us today to learn more!

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